January 20-February 18th, 2011
Milledgeville, GA
Curated by Carlos Herrera
The sounds of vibrating coffee cups, repeating every four seconds triggered by the amount of motion in the gallery, 2011
found to-go coffee cups, wood, silver bullet personal massagers, cell phone chargers, motion detectors, stereo mixer, zoom delay pedal, crate amplifier, contact microphones, custom wiring
The Milledgeville Piece, 2011
40,000 wooden coffee stir sticks woven in place and held by tension
“The Physical Space is Representative of The Mental Space”- Unknown source
Two Rooms was a new site-specific installation for the Georgia College State
University Blackbridge Hall Galleries. One room contains a new series of viewer-activated, vibrating,
audio-enabled coffee cups. In this room the normally still to-go coffee cup will twitch
and jolt in response to a viewer’s presence. This twitching and vibrating creates a
vigorous percussive soundtrack that acts as a point of departure for personal meditation
of the space and the noise within. In another room a new site-specific site-responsive
work utilizing the pre- and post-consumer materials of the American to-go coffee shop
culture was created.
The two rooms provide multiple points of departure that are of interest to me.
First, is a focus on contemplation of the space where the artwork is presented and the
quiet moments of meditation and sanctuary from the outside world that gallery spaces
provide. Additionally, in my mind, the idealized setting and experience of the gallery is
intertwined with the perfect comfort provided by contemporary coffee shops. Finally, it is
my belief that, whenever possible, work should be created directly in the space where it is
to be presented or created specifically for the place where it will be displayed. Two
Rooms affords me a rare opportunity to present these two ways of working in the same
“A Brilliant Installment”- GCSU Colonade