April 2 – June 29, 2014
Baton Rouge, LA
The Red Stick Piece, 2014 Louisiana Art and Science Museum
50,000 wooden coffee stir sticks woven in place and held by tension, 4,500 coffee cup sleeves stacked one inside another,braided aluminum cable, espresso grounds
This installation was created over the course of a week long residency inside the Louisiana Art and Science Museum. The piece includes a new coffee wall drawing designed to engage the view and movement of the Mississippi river. The sculptural form includes the signature red coffee cup sleeves of local mainstay Community Coffee.
This project was developed by the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge, with support from the Louisiana Art & Science Museum, LSU School of Art, Baton Rouge Area Foundation,and Baton Rouge Community College. The exhibition is made possible thanks to generous support from Matt and Catherine Saurage and Ritter Maher Architects.
Country Roads Magazine – video – The Red Stick Piece
Country Roads Magazine – Brilliant at Work
Dig Baton Rouge – Brilliant work