April 26 – September 9, 2017
Hickory, NC
Hickory Museum of Art
Hickory Sticks is a site-specific installation and exhibition designed to activate and enhance the architecture of the Coe Gallery at The Hickory Museum of Art. The exhibition included a new series of espresso mud wall drawings based on the architecture of the space. Additionally a new woven coffee stir stick and coffee cup sleeve tensile construction was completed on site during the course of a week long residency. This construction plays with and builds on the presence of the iconic spiral staircase within the gallery. The features of the space, including the spiral staircase, the balcony, and high arched windows provide viewers with many unique experiences within the space. Additionally a curved wall alcove gallery allowed for the creation of a new suspended work. This project would not have been possible without the staff and support of the Hickory Museum of Art and our sponsors:
Corning Fiber Optical
United Arts Council
The Hickory Piece 2017
80,000 wooden coffee stir sticks woven in place and held by tension, 3,000 coffee cup sleeves stacked one inside of each other, 100 feet of braided aluminum aircraft cable
Grounds for Removal, 2017
espresso and water rubbed into the wall by hand
Product Configuration, 2017
black, white, and brown solo traveler lids afixed to panel with decking screws
Building a Smaller Universe, 2017
wooden coffee stir sticks, coffee cup sleeves, braided aluminum aircraft cable, eye hooks
Corrugated sleeve in 3 parts, 2017
espresso and acrylic resin on panel