August 16, 2014 – March 16, 2015
Columbia, SC
The SC Museum Piece, 2014 South Carolina state Museum
50,000 wooden coffee stir sticks woven in place and held by tension, 3,900 coffee cup sleeves stacked one inside of another, aluminum cable and hardware
From The press release
“Opening along with the museum’s new expansion, Building a Universe, will feature creations by artists whose work deals with space and the universe, either directly or conceptually, according to Chief Curator of Art Paul Matheny.
The exhibition includes artwork from 15 South Carolina artists, many of whom created pieces specifically for this exhibit. The works represent a wide variety of media, including installation art, painting, printmaking, collage, sculpture and mixed media work.
In addition, installation art by Jocelyn Chateauvert, Virginia Scotchie and Jonathan Brilliant will be seen, as will the work of mixed media artists, painters and the final collage constructions of the late, world-renowned Robert Courtright of Sumter, created shortly before his death in late 2012.”