Today I did finish the Fresno Piece. Although this is not a shot of the finished piece, it is an awesome view of a kindergarten class doing a site visit from above. A few minutes after this they descended on the gallery and immediately engaged in the ultimate game of 52 stick pick-up. With no real prompting from me or the teachers they took to working on their own creations. It was needless to say incredibly entertaining for me.
Here is a finished, shaped torn down version of the 4color cmyk double sided fortune printed on custom extra thick rives cream “Richard Serra rejected” paper. Print elves Jason and Grayson made short order of the back side of this edition after master printmaker matt hopson walker dashed off the frontsides
poking out from underneath the fortune is one of the new sleeve prints.
Here is the stone for the Abstract almonds lithograph with the two color print below. For me nothing beats lithographs from stone for recreating the experience of my sketchbook in an editionable format (I don’t think editionable is a word, but I use it anyways)
Also on the racks is a silver grey screenprint, “The Fresno Ellipse”. I’ll get some better documentation in the coming days when we finish the rest of the editions
A small batch, of low editions of new fortunes have also appeared. I will be revisiting the creation of more fortunes soon. In total The Fresno Portfolio will have 5-7 diferent prints in the suite, including some possible sparkle t-shirts if time allows.
This reminds me I need to get back in during the morning and fire off some proper documentation.