It was a ridiculously fast week installing in the old MedTown Pharmacy, but I am happy to see it all finished. This show was a good way to end this year’s installations. After starting in January with “Weaving, Stacking and Staining”, through “Woven and Stacked” in Fresno, I have been fortunate to realize some changes in the work that have taught me some new lessons. In particular, In Tension now incorporates these lessons
Did I mention that they call this place magic city. I like it, gives me hope. Yesterday and Today I was able to flesh out and assemble the rest of the sticks, start the straws, and begin working on the walls. It is nice to use all the recently de-installed sticks, sleeves and straws From Read more...
It really is magic here. In 4 long days what was once a vacant pharmacy is quickly shaping up into something familiar. Hopefully by Thursday night I can get “mud” on the walls, but for now I’ll get some zzzzz’s on a pillow.