mel chin “i am going to tell you secret if you tell anyone i have to kill myself”mel chin ” it’s all about the dollar dollar bills ya’ll”a couple shots of artist mel chin, who is one of the funniest and smartest artists ever.i thought this was cool, it was the luggage parking lot Read more...
this fliling cabinet is one that we repainted for out apartment and i hope to finish up with it later this week.
these are a couple panoramas i created for the power point i gave last week at austin peay state university. I am still planning to get the powerpoint compressed down to a movie, Read more...
some samples of the absolutely kickass mid-century modern furniture that is in use in the art building at austin peay state university.
this is the view from the lectern about 15 minutes before my little slide talk
sausage patties_______________egg patties
a sample of the less than continental breakfast at the hotel, which i did not eat,because Read more...