this is how i spent today, minus a pb&j break, and a cheeseburger with my aunt and uncle break.
until tomorrow
i arrived today at the dam stuhltrager gallery and this is what i saw waiting for me.i was a little bit out of it since i got up so early to catch my 620 am flight, but after some coffee and a bite to eat i was able to start Read more...
working on something else for a whilein addition to practicing my stir stick weaving i took a break and hopped back to work on the welded steel basket made with the scrap steel left over from that railing i found awhile ago. I still plan on changing this piece a bit and I hope Read more...
this is a new patterning system i am trying out on the rust prints. I was sitting somewhere the other day and started drawing some lines on a post it note and then i realized i wanted to try and recreate that pattern in rust so here goes. I will be making it in sections Read more...
so i keep shaping and weaving my “test pattern”. I am ultimately trying to make this into a donut sort of shape. after fleshing out the mid section I will weave until the openings meet. I doubt i will get to finish this before i go off to new york, because i am working on Read more...