what do i think about? Can someone still be critical and demanding of the art they consume and or make? Can I consume the art I make and what would that feel/look like?
I often times feel like an outsider to the exciting fast paced world that is supposedly swirling around out there in the ether. I live in a place that i often think of as the land where time stood still.I don’t know why but a part of Dave Hickey’s recent serial column in Art in America really struck me as valuable both for art and for general life. He asks the following series of questions:
I think this may be the most succinctly I have seen someone capture the internal dialogue that often accompanies the creation of art and most creative endeavors that are going to be shared with a public. I know for me this is the line of questioning that leads to the tremendous amount of doubt that accompanies the creation of new work. Oh well Dave Hickey does it again, proves he is writer that artists love to quote, and for good reason