I’ve got a week in Birmingham to pull off my last installation of the year before beginning work on a new permanent steel work. For Birmingham I have a simple strategy ; Bring everything I’ve got left over from this year that happened in North and South Carolina. In case you are wondering sleeves used in Conway, Columbia, and Raleigh, along with sticks from both raleigh shows have been brought forward. Technically some of the sleeves from Conway were originally in Richmond I believe. Needless to say the sleeves are aquiring their own unique story and some have even developed bleached out areas from hanging too long under gallery lights. I’ve got just a bit more of the sleeve loops to lay in before assembling and integrating the existing woven stick panels with some new sections I’ve yet to construct. I really have my work cut out for me as I have visions of pulling off a new coffee stain wall drawing with a new pattern.
I’ve got help in the form of Michael, who actually grew up near Brilliant, the town, not the artist.